Saturday, August 15, 2009


Details: In "Traumatized" is a classic of English political and protest punk. It was originally part of the 1995 and had been published and eternal years of completely sold out. Police Bastard have not only named after the famous song of DOOM named. With them was also at the John Von Doom on guitar and vocalson some active. At Social Bomb Records Plastic Bomb Rec. and was a good piece finally released. And in a new, much attractive artwork. To hear bulky, brutal-political crust punk songs with uncompromising lyrics, as they are of a band with that name is expected. DIY punk classic from the base with an extremely militant attitude and a healthy attitude towards refusing a world of consumerism, oppression, racial hatred, war-mongering, and the quest for ever more power and control. On this album you'll find many of their best song such as 'payback', 'major label control', 'race hate', etc.
Price: CD 7 euro, LP 12 euro
Availibility: mail us